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//! Definitions and implementations for the abstracted measurement filters
mod basic;
mod kalman;
mod matrix;
pub use basic::BasicFilter;
pub use kalman::{KalmanConfiguration, KalmanFilter};
use crate::{port::Measurement, time::Duration, Clock};
/// Information on the result of the [`Filter`] and the actions it needs from
/// its environment
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct FilterUpdate {
/// Duration until the [`Filter::update`] should be called again.
/// * If **`Some`** [`Filter::update`] should be called in the given
/// [`Duration`](`core::time::Duration`) from now.
/// * If **`None`** [`Filter::update`] the timer should not be changed.
pub next_update: Option<core::time::Duration>,
/// Mean delay measured on this link if known.
pub mean_delay: Option<Duration>,
/// A filter for post-processing time measurements.
/// Filters are responsible for dealing with the network noise, and should
/// average out the input a bit so minor network variations are not immediately
/// reflected in the synchronization of the clock.
/// This crate provides a simple [`BasicFilter`] which is
/// suitable for most needs, but users can implement their own if desired.
pub trait Filter {
/// Configuration for this [`Filter`]
/// This is used to construct a new [`Filter`] instance using
/// [`new`](`Filter::new`).
type Config: Clone;
/// Create a new instance of the filter.
fn new(config: Self::Config) -> Self;
/// Put a new measurement in the filter.
/// The filter can then use this to adjust the clock
fn measurement<C: Clock>(&mut self, m: Measurement, clock: &mut C) -> FilterUpdate;
/// Update initiated through [FilterUpdate::next_update] timeout.
fn update<C: Clock>(&mut self, clock: &mut C) -> FilterUpdate;
/// Handle ending of time synchronization from the source
/// associated with this filter.
fn demobilize<C: Clock>(self, clock: &mut C);